Accredited Grade "B" by NAAC
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About College

The institution Sona Devi Sethia Girls’ College was founded in 1966 by the renowned industrialist and philanthropist late Shri Sohan Lal Ji Sethia, in the memory of his reverend mother Sona Devi Sethia.
Shri Sohan Lal Ji Sethia recognized that education was the first component of progress and who believed that the doors of progress would be shut on Sujangarh if its women were not educated;
Covid-19 Awareness

Mission and Vision
Prepare young women folk for challenging opportunities in competitive environment with special emphasis on global competition and to prepare them for life and leadership in their chosen fields.

Impart value based quality education to our students.

Provide a platform for interaction and group discussion among students.

Develop and inculcate ethics and values.

Enable the students to cope with the ever- changing social milieu by infusing in them the strength of character, social- responsibility and national fervor.

Inculcate in them an urge for learning systematized process of research and consulting.


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